Businesses in Craigavon attended a breakfast networking information event, at CIDO, Craigavon, on Friday 3rd May 2013.
The event, organised by PLATO East Border Region, provided approximately 20 small and medium sized enterprises with the opportunity to discover how they can form links with other businesses to increase trade and competitiveness. One of the key benefits of joining a PLATO networking group is to learn from peer SMEs in diverse industry sectors as well as the opportunity to interact with larger businesses and to use their expertise and experience in decision-making about future planning and growth.
During the event, participants were able to hear about the benefits of joining PLATO from past and current participants and from contracted expertise working on the Programme.
Part funded through the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Cross Border Programme, PLATO has been in existence in Ireland since the late 1990s, most recently in counties Monaghan, Armagh, Louth and Cork, where experiences have been positive with many companies joining forces to implement new and improved business ideas. Small and medium sized enterprises interested in enhancing their personal business network to develop and grow competitively, should contact Dr Cecilia Hegarty via email to