… with the Go-2-Tender Programme
Are you a SME keen to get your share of the €12bn/ €10.6bn all-island
Public Procurement Market
Then InterTradeIreland’s Go-2-Tender programme is for you
Go-2-Tender has been developed to give SMEs the confidence, knowledge and practical skills to tender successfully for public sector contracts in their own jurisdiction and on a cross-border basis.
The programme consists of 2 days’ training by experienced bid specialists and an initial ½ day of tailored, one-to-one mentoring.
Eligible companies can also apply for up to a further 2 days of expert mentor support at no additional cost
The workshop is delivered island wide and covers the following topics:
Day 1:
- Understanding the public sector on an all island basis
- Mapping the sectors
- E-Tendering –
- The process of tendering online, where to source opportunities, common procurement vocabulary (CPV) codes etc.
- Portals include eTendersNI, eTenders.gov.ie, LA Quotes, TED etc.
- Partnerships, consortiums and collaborative working
- The bid/no bid decision – how do you decide? and what should your strategy be?
Day 2:
- How to write a good tender bid document
- How to understand the process – from reading the terms of reference, understanding and answering the questions, to submitting the bid and accompanying documents
- What the content should look like
- What structure, language and tone to use
- How to debrief and ask for feedback
- What do to next
The workshops also give attendees the opportunity to share real life experiences of the tendering process and to have previously unsuccessful tender submissions reviewed and commented on by the trainer.
Timings: 9.00am – 4.30pm (both days).
Cost: £85 + VAT (£102 per person)
Go-2-Tender provides excellent value for money! it includes – 2 days of interactive training, electronic materials, catering and up to 2½ days of one-to-one mentoring.
Registration: To register for the programme please complete the attached application form. Once the application has been completed, please send it to laurak@envision-ni.co.uk