Nuffield Research Placements (previously Nuffield Science Bursaries)
provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work
alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and
Students in the first year of a post-16 science, technology, engineering
and maths (STEM) course are eligible to apply. Placements are
available across the UK, in universities, commercial companies,
voluntary organisations and research institutions.
Nuffield Research Placements are administered at a regional
level by a network of Nuffield coordinators.
We particularly encourage students who don’t have a family history
of going to university or who attend schools in less well-off areas.
We make sure no-one is excluded on a financial basis by covering
students’ travel costs. Some students may also be eligible for a
weekly bursary in addition to travel expenses. Your regional
coordinator will be able to advise on eligibility.
Applications for 2016 are open and must be made through
our online system.